Change is good.

So here we are! Just over a year into my business and it is time for a real website 😊 might as well introduce myself and explain how we got here.

Uhm, HI! If you're here you've probably known me for ages or met me doing something Goofy at a horse show. However, to be formal, I'm Emily Weber. And this is my e-true-Hollywood story 😂 Coming in to year 34 things are so different than they were pre-covid but I wouldn't have it any other way.

My background is “simple,” grow up horse crazy… have Mom push you towards arts and Dad push you towards science then some how round it all out and become a saddle fitter! I was horse crazy from day one. And that’s probably the best story!

It all started when I was six, my Grandmother told everyone everywhere that would listen- I was her favorite grandchild. Even my cousins- oof! But she decided to take me to the Columbia Horse Center for a free pony ride… MAYDAY! We all now know there is nothing free in the horse world.